July 21, 2013

Day 5 - Sleeping like a cat

Actually I'm not sure if even cats sleep as much as me. Day 5 of not drinking sodas, and luckily the headache has subsided but I am so darn tired and dizzy. If past experiences hold true, I should be pretty close to the end of this detox (I sure hope so!)

Meal plans have been going pretty good, I've stayed on target (for the most part, aside from yesterday resorting to Emergen-C to help with the soda detox pains)... but I've decided, I really don't like grocery store peaches. Normally I love fresh peaches, but these ones were picked way too early and even letting them soften up a few days they aren't all that sweet. I may need to start going to the farmer's market or something.

I'm ready for my third nap of the day.

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