So this week (well Labor Day weekend) kind of sucked as far as my workout plan is concerned...
I didn't do as well with working out as I had hoped. I did get them all in but I was really careful.
It started around 11:00 Saturday night. I had been home all day, did a home workout earlier that day and was playing around on the computer. It started with an itch behind my ear, of which I didn't think much about since I live close to wetlands and we get a lot of mosquitos. I figured one had just snuck into the house. About an hour of furious itching went by, and I decided to go to bed and put on some hydrocortisone to stop the itch. I noticed huge hives going from ear to ear and down my neck. I took some antihistamines (it's kind of a second nature reaction for me since I do suffer from hayfever pretty bad). In the time it took me to get the antihistamines out of the cabinet and take them, a very large rash started spreading down my chest and starting down my back. Another reaction was to jump into a cold bath to see if that would reduce the swelling. When I got out the rash was quickly spreading more on my back and into my face. I didn't notice any sort of fever or difficulty in breathing which I know is a very serious sign of an allergy... I was monitoring my rash progression and told myself after 30 minutes if it didn't slow (or if it got worse before then) I would go to the emergency room... I figured 30 minutes should have given the antihistamines a little bit of time to go through my system. Luckily, that did stop the progression of the rash. It itched all night but I felt fine otherwise. The next two days, in the AM the rash was pretty colorless (ugly though, like REALLY bad acne) and it itched mildly... but by about 11:00 it started to flush and looked like a rash again. So through the long holiday weekend I watched it closely, and was very careful with my work outs and food.
Finally got in to see an allergist on Tuesday. We still don't know what caused it but the closest guess is I have some sort of very mild food allergy that with exercise induced a reaction. We don't know if it's from foods that were closer to when I worked out or if it was closer to the onset of the reaction. It's all foods I have eaten before and I have never had any known sensitivities to before.
Allergic to exercise. Isn't THAT my kind of luck? On a holiday weekend too. sheesh.
But the good news is, I got some prednisone and have been doubling up on antihistamines. I haven't seen it since the doctor's visit. And I hope not to again, that was NOT fun.
But yeah, I learned if you tell someone you're allergic to exercise (which is misleading because really you're allergic to something else, it's just that histamines are dropped while you exercise) they kind of fall on the floor laughing hysterically... or they think you are making it up.
So as of right now I am down about 5.5 lbs off the scale since I started, I am gaining muscle faster than losing fat so that's why it's not very spectacular on the scale. Despite my weaker efforts to workouts this week, I did gain almost a pound of muscle, which is nothing at all to be ashamed of.
In other news, I survived Comic Con! I feel like I walked my little legs off--I am still fun hung over from 3 days of it... But I had a great time and I can't wait for next year's.
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